Global Governance System Reform
The track explores the need to reform international institutions so that they better reflect contemporary realities and promote peace. The debate addresses the urgency of reforming these institutions and will consider the inclusion of young people as essential actors and leaders in discussions and decisions about global governance.
It highlights the importance of strengthening multilateralism and promoting international cooperation, integrating sustainability and sustainable development as central principles. The track is also responsible for discussing the need to increase transparency and inclusion in international institutions, proposing the integration of relevant actors, such as civil society and youth, to ensure more equitable and effective global governance.
Leandro Correa
Brazilian delegate at Y20 on the track
“The Brazilian government presented the topic of Reform of the Global Governance System as one of the three priority agendas for this year’s G20 forum, and, along with the other two agendas, a common denominator became the main guideline for the work of this presidency. tempore: reduce inequalities to achieve a fair world and a sustainable planet. In this track, in Y20, therefore, the mission has been to identify which are the mechanisms of the International System that produce and reproduce inequalities at a global level and to propose recommendations that aim to reform the institutions that can reverse this process, seeking to rebalance priorities in such a way May the future be a safe place for all populations.”

Central themes
Global Governance and the Crisis of Multilateralism
Financial Architecture and Commerce
Peace and Human Rights
Climate and Global Health
Poverty and
Transition and
Inclusion and
Innovation and the
Future of
Data Panel - Y20 Tracks
Throughout the Y20 Brazil 2024 process, the importance of diagnosing global challenges and developing evidence-based public policies were some of our guiding principles. From this perspective, we built, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), a systematization of indicators related to the 5 priority axes of discussion of Y20 in the context of the Brazilian Presidency of the G20.