About Y20
Youth20 is the Official Youth Engagement Group at the G20.
As the world moves into an increasingly interconnected and complex future, the role of youth becomes vital in formulating public policy and social transformation.
Y20 emerges in this scenario, providing young leaders from all over the world with the opportunity to participate as protagonists in the processes of reflection on global issues, share experiences and knowledge, argue, negotiate and build proposals, solutions and consensus for G20 discussions and decisions. .
Youth leading the way in building a just world and a sustainable planet
As the world moves towards a more interconnected and complex future, the role of youth is also becoming increasingly vital in shaping public policies and social transformation. The Official G20 Youth Group (Y20) emerges in this scenario, providing young leaders from around the world with the opportunity to participate as protagonists in the processes of reflection on global issues, share experiences and knowledge, argue, negotiate and build proposals, solutions and consensus for G20 discussions and decisions.
Officially held since 2010, Y20 has become widely recognized as one of the most influential international forums and one of the most important in the world on youth issues. This is the first time in history that Brazil has assumed the presidency of Y20 and, in continuity with the important work led by the presidencies that preceded us, we have reaffirmed our commitment to strengthening Y20's capacity for articulation and formal influence in official G20 processes up to the leaders' summit, as well as to the social participation of youth in a broad, diverse and popular manner.
This is a defining moment. We are the largest generation of young people in human history. There have never been so many young people. We may never again have a window of opportunity like this, with such potential for economic progress and social development. How we address the concerns and aspirations of this generation will define the present and the common future of all people.
Under the theme “Youth leading the construction of a just world and a sustainable planet”, based on the wealth of our multiple and diverse experiences and trajectories, we will have the challenge of advancing in consensus and unity in the historical construction of Y20 through the leading role of youth for a better world for all people, without leaving anyone behind.

Held since 2010, Y20 has become recognized as one of the forums with the highest level of international influence and one of the most important in the world on the topic of youth.
This year, the Brazilian Presidency of the Y20, led by the National Youth Council, proposes reflection around 5 themes, which will be the subject of discussion among 5 delegates from each country that will participate in the Brazilian edition of the G20.
Message from the National Secretary for Youth of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (SNJ-SGPR)
In a world marked by economic, social and environmental crises, multilateral and inclusive solutions are essential. In this sense, the G20 is a platform to be valued and, increasingly, qualified to incorporate the desires and voices of the people. Therefore, in the era of the largest generation of young people in the history of the planet, the G20 (Y20) Youth Engagement Group is crucial to building a more just, sustainable and peaceful world. Nothing about us, without us!
Young people need to come together to face the historical bottlenecks of socioeconomic models that do not prioritize people and good living, resulting in poverty, hunger, wars, the destruction of the planet and inequalities. These inequalities manifest themselves both between people, based on class, gender, race and generational inequalities, and between Nations, based on colonial marks, the concentration of power and unfair disparities between production chains and countries' financial and commercial relations.
At the same time, the world's youth must be exponents in the face of contemporary challenges related to new technologies, changes and precariousness in the world of work, wars and the climate emergency, adversities that affect everyone, but impact more intensely on countries in the South. Global, where the majority of the world's young people reside.
When congratulating the Brazilian delegations and youth involved in the G20, I leave a message of hope: I see a better world, built by our hands. The social G20 and Brazil recognize the importance of social participation in decision-making processes. Let's take advantage of this opportunity and be agents of transformation that the world needs!"

Message from the President of the National Youth Council - CONJUVE
This year, Brazil has the honor of leading Youth20 (Y20), the official youth engagement group at the G20. This is an unparalleled opportunity for young Brazilians to influence global decisions, bringing their unique perspectives and contributions to debates on critical issues affecting our generation and the future of the planet. Y20 not only amplifies our voice, but also strengthens our commitment to active participation in building a more just and sustainable world.
The social participation of young people is crucial for democracy and sustainable development. Conjuve plays a central role in empowering young people to actively engage in policymaking, ensuring their voices are heard and their ideas implemented. By leading Y20 in 2024, we are not only representing Brazil, but also inspiring other countries to recognize the transformative potential of Brazilian youth in shaping a more inclusive and socially just future.
Conjuve and Y20 are powerful catalysts towards this goal, empowering young people to be agents of change in their communities and beyond, thereby consolidating a legacy of engagement with global responsibility."

Message from the Head of the Brazilian Y20 Delegation
Today, we Y20 delegates, can have the opportunity during Brazil's pro-tempore presidency of the Group of 20, to occupy a space that is rightfully ours, through the G20 Social, which becomes fundamental in the intervention of organized civil society Together with the heads of state, who will have the task of including our debates and desires in their global and local agendas, today we have the possibility to shout loudly that we are here and we want it!
So, as HoD of the Brazilian Delegation at Y20, I invite everyone to come with their hopes, desires and proposals, together we are the change of this era, we can and must advance in what we believe, the world needs each one of us to build the present and have a better future. Welcome to Y20 and may we all have a space for lots of exchange, learning and hope."

Poverty and
Transition and
Inclusion and
Innovation and the
Future of
March 20
Y20 Kickoff
March to July
Regional Dialogues
The discussions held in these spaces will be systematized by the organizers, under the coordination of Youth20 (Y20) governance, for subsequent final systematization and presentation of conclusions as part of the subsidy for the impact of the Brazilian Delegation at the Y20 Summit.
There were more than 30 regional dialogues held throughout Brazil.

April 17th
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum
June 10th to 19th
Y20 pre-summit

August 10th - 17th
Y20 Summit
International organizations invited
United Nations
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Development Programme
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Labour Organization
International Youth Organization for Iberoamerica
United Nations Youth Office
Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean
World Bank


Realization partners