Rayssa Lemes

Social scientist focused on scenario diagnosis, formulation and monitoring of public policies for youth, public security and related areas. She is a team member and Organization Secretary at Youth20 (Y20) Brazil 2024, G20 Youth Engagement Group. 

He worked on the youth homicide control program “Stay Alive!” and in the socio-educational measure of semi-freedom in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She was a parliamentary advisor at the Uberlândia City Council, State Youth Councilor of Minas Gerais, General Coordinator of the Central Directory of Students at the Federal University of Uberlândia (DCE-UFU) and Director of Public Youth Policies at the State Union of Students (UEE- MG), in addition to being a volunteer teacher in popular pre-university courses and mentoring teenagers and young people in projects such as 'Vem Ser Protagonista' and 'Women of Tomorrow'. He has international experience in the areas of youth, population and development, Latin American and Caribbean integration, and in spaces such as the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) and Mercosur. 

Currently, he is part of the Youth Sounding Board of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) regarding the intersections between the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) and Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) agendas. It is also part of the Politize! Leaders Network, a civil society organization led by young people with a focus on political education, citizenship and strengthening democratic culture.