Philippe Diogo da Silva

Line of Combat against Hunger, Poverty and Inequality 

“Y20 represents the voice and action of Brazilian youth in the fight against hunger, poverty and inequality. As part of the Brazilian Delegation at Y20, our commitment is to amplify innovative solutions and inclusive policies to guarantee the dignity and well-being of all Brazilians, especially the most vulnerable, building a fairer and more equal future for present and future generations. ”.

As a young man who faced food insecurity for most of his life, his trajectory reflects the importance of emancipatory education, especially in food security, combating hunger and poverty.

Philippe comes from the outskirts of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, with technical training in Nursing (ETMSL) and a Degree in Biological Sciences (IFSULDEMINAS). He is currently studying for a master's degree in Sustainable Development and Extension at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). He had a career marked by diverse national and international experiences, and work at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), at the Collaborating Center for School Food and Nutrition (CECANE/FNDE), in municipal public management and studies abroad through student mobility programs.

It has extensive participation in initiatives such as the creation of community gardens and the promotion of family farming, to strengthen food and nutritional security. Furthermore, his training was marked by academic and social activities such as the production of a documentary on agroecology, scientific articles, periodicals and bulletins. He worked in the student movement as research and extension coordinator at his Academic Center, and is currently an Extension Agent for the National School Feeding Program (PNAE).

Philippe is also a member of the Council for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security of Minas Gerais (CONSEA/MG), collaborates with the Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (NEABI) and the Center for Studies in Gender and Sexuality (NEGES), as well as the Food Commission Tradicional dos Povos (Catrapovos/MG), working on a front that discusses legislation and possibilities for strengthening access for traditional peoples and communities to institutional markets. In 2023, he was organizer of the State Conference on Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security by CONSEA-MG and a delegate at the 6th National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security.