Amanda Harumy

Amanda Harumy has a degree in International Relations from the Federal University of São Paulo (2015), a Master's degree in Latin American Integration from PROLAM-USP (2018) and is currently a PhD candidate in Latin American Integration from PROLAM-USP. She was a professor of Latin American Politics at Fundação Santo André (2018-2023) and director of International Relations at ANPG (2020-2024). She was a consultant and writer for CRES+5 at UNESCO IESALC (2023-2024). Amanda also coordinated and organized the books of the Diplomacy for Democracy Institute: *Renascença*, *Democracy and Diplomacy*, and *Base Diplomacy* in 2022 and 2023, in addition to being director of the Diplomacy for Democracy Institute from 2021 to 2022.
Currently, she is executive secretary of OCLAE and consultant to the Brazilian government's National Commission for Educational Policies for Youth. She is a member of the GSF Steering Committee and a columnist for Roda Mundo on the Opera Mundi channel. At Youth 20, she is Methodology Secretary.