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Y20 coverage!

Y20 is the G20 Youth Summit, one of the highest-level forums for international youth debate. Come and cover this important event in the G20 calendar.


Lucas Rocha – Y20 Communications Secretary

G20 youth hold summit in RJ on International Youth Day

In the media

The latest news about Y20 in Brazil and around the world.

African Union participates in G20 youth summit for the first time

Young people must lead the fight against climate change, says Brazilian who presides over Y20

Potiguar Youth Gather at Y20 Regional Meeting for Dialogue and Global Solutions

Youth’s time and turn at the G20: Youth 20 presents Brazilian delegates

Youth 20 publishes results of notices: 30 parallel youth events across Brazil

Youth group pushes for influence on G20 agenda

Youth 20 interagency meeting: proposals and challenges for a sustainable and inclusive future

Belém hosts Pre-Summit of the official G20 youth engagement group

Brazil promotes G20 youth meeting in New York

With employment as a priority, young people seek to have a voice in the G20 agenda

Brazilian youth presented topics that they will debate in the Y20 engagement group, of G20 Social